Coffee Table Books

Coffee Table Books

A coffee table book. Thick and chunky statements of varying topic, color, and worth. Do you have one… or two or three in a stack? Or are your books carefully clustered as art on floor-to-ceiling shelves? It seems to be the great home decor debate now that our...
“Do you have a reservation?”

“Do you have a reservation?”

My husband and I are from the Midwest. People are genuine, patriotic, and live without pretense there. We treasure our roots and our dear families who remain there. Yet we longed for adventure and that could only be found elsewhere. People who populate small towns are...
A Rant about Streateries

A Rant about Streateries

The Urban Dictionary has a new word: Streatery. Without large amounts of thought because of your personal pandemic experience, you can surmise the derivation of the word. Throughout this country, restaurants have survived by creatively co-opting concrete and asphalt...