You know you’re old(er) when…

You know you’re old(er) when…

It’s that time of year. The parties are over and Christmas decor packed. The diet has started and I’m deep in lament. Why, exactly, did i eat all the chocolate candies, cookies, and eclectic junk? I hate this time of year, despite the days rapidly gaining...
A Suit of Cynicism and Snark

A Suit of Cynicism and Snark

Charlie Brown used to be a media star, someone that everyone knew and talked about. He was hapless and made us smile. We saw a bit of ourselves in him. Now it’s Harambe, a Three-year-old Boy, and the Boy’s momma whose voice is heard on the endless iPhone...
Recipro City

Recipro City

Does parity float your boat? Does turn-taking twirl your world? Does your life feel like a lucky charm or the bottom of a scum-laden bog? Does a reward of reciprocity exist? Does helping others have to make me feel shaken, forsaken, all wet? The perverse and pervasive...