So, another morning in the gym’s pool, exercising in the water’s buoyancy so there’s less stress on my troubled knees. While it should be a daily endeavor, I’m pleased with once a week.
I’m not a fan of sweating so swimming suits.
So, I’m up to my neck in water, trying not to get my hair wet because I have places to go and things to do after I shower, towel off, and dress in the locker room. In trots a skinny dude of undetermined age. Ignoring the sign to not run, he jumps into the bubbling jacuzzi near my lane. He grins in in reply to my immediate scowl. His type of rule-breaking offends the rule abider inside of me and, as I’m often told, my face holds no secrets.
Suddenly the wiry guy says, “I talk a lot with your husband. He says you’re beautiful.”
“Yes” I reply, “he’s a good husband.”
Because I’m at the end of my lane – and also because I’m nonplussed – I turn and dogpaddle away, yelling over my back. “My husband is the best man alive!”
Without asking permission, as pool rules dictate, the wiry crewcut guy (age indeterminate) jumps into my lane, perhaps to cool his jets after the jacuzzi. Before I could ask his name, to confer with my husband at home, he bounded out of the pool area. His drop-in visit was done and I was left to contemplate… Wow – he’d turned my dismissive frown into a smile with his compliment. He’d deflected my glower and aligned himself with my beloved husband… I admire his quick thinking and his cute ploy, truth or not.
Perhaps his quirkiness worked.
I haven’t had such an inadvertent compliment in seven years… Here’s my blog of the last episode:
Maybe I should make pool dipping – not skinny because I’m not – a daily thing.
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