Stay Safe!

Stay Safe!

“Stay safe!” Family members in Elsewhere USA universally said as they checked on our proximity to the Armageddon-like fires on the news. I know they meant well, but they’re unable to comprehend the immensity and score, no matter how many metrics I...
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

We – the majority of Americans who voted last week, not me, myself, or I –  just elected a guy who’s fine with the climate crisis and increasingly drastic swirls of weather, children and teachers getting shot in school, with no Department of...
News Caboose

News Caboose

So, on Thursday, October 24, I endured a lumbar spinal puncture ordered by my specialty neurologist, who’s in the hunt for a diagnosis for my intermittent muscle spasms/joint jerks. For nearly four years, this disturbing condition has ruled my life to varying...
I No Longer Career Evangelize

I No Longer Career Evangelize

I adored my forty-four-year career as a speech-language pathologist. For thirty of those years, I thrived in my private practice, focused on the communication issues of toddlers. People used to say, “You must be so patient,” to deal with the ‘terrible two’...
Sleeping with a Terrorist

Sleeping with a Terrorist

I have lived with a terrorist for over three years. It’s not the human variety, so banish your dark thoughts about my husband.  My wonderful man would rescue me by any means he could. He’s a great sidekick. He’s got my back. Further, he’d step in...
Mickey Mouse as Anti-Hero

Mickey Mouse as Anti-Hero

The star character and centerpiece of Walt Disney’s world is Mickey Mouse. He was Walt’s first and, perhaps, his alter ego. He’s forever been perpetually jolly, a welcome antidote to worldwide angst, though his tinny, effeminate voice rankles my...