Once, Twice, Three Times = Trend

Once, Twice, Three Times = Trend

I have a tape recorder memory. At least I once did. It works like the vaunted photographic memory. I recall snippets of conversations, often odd bits that don’t fit a logical paradigm. It’s not because I was once an actress, as the graphic suggests, but...

“Are you _____?” Mistaken identities rate!

The curious interest, the thinly-veiled stare, the hesitation, the pointing, the whispering – and then the ask, rather the tell: “You’re ____, aren’t you.” A shy, yet gushing smile. Marietta Harley, for one. In her case, I think it was...
“You have beautiful skin”

“You have beautiful skin”

“You have beautiful skin,” he said. Though my husband wasn’t within earshot, it was too late in the evening to be a come-on, so I just smiled and said “Thanks.” And, then I gave him the spiel, the story I’ve been repeating for 30+...
“You have beautiful skin”

What’s In Your Name?

So, here I am, planting an ear worm for a popular commercial in your head. Me, the writer who seldom watches tv. One of my reasons for writing is that it’s a quiet hobby for when my retiree husband watches sports (often). He’s forever grateful that I...