Marketing Advice: Find Your Target Audience

Marketing Advice: Find Your Target Audience

When I began writing as a hobbyist in 2010, I didn’t predict the endeavor as encore career. I just wanted to have fun. After all, I adored my speech-language pathologist practice: I gave for living. I’d lived a purpose-filled life long before Rick Warren made it a...
I’m a Spice Girl… What About You?

I’m a Spice Girl… What About You?

 I’m a nice girl, everything sugar and spice girl… What about you? Is bling your thing, your reward or your promise for being alive? To what commitments to health and happiness do you adhere? What habits do you embrace and/or long for? While I, like any...
Yoho! Yoho! Is the hermit life for me?

Yoho! Yoho! Is the hermit life for me?

I’m becoming a hermit by attrition. I’m losing friends. But not via death, destruction, or causes natural or supernatural. I’m losing friends. Thankfully not via depression, a personal disaster, or hiccup of life. I’m losing friends. But not...
Grand Trip

Grand Trip

Ten days ago my husband and I returned from a Grand Trip: shepherding grand kids and their folks to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks, the epicenter of Nature’s gifts to Earth, a spectacular conglomeration of geysers, critters, waterfalls, and rock...


Cookies, cakes, and casseroles. Banana nut bread, blanched tomatoes from an uber garden crop, apple and carrot cakes. What am I doing: procrastibaking. That is, putting off an important or urgent task by baking. I am an insecure writer. The urgent task, of course, is...