Aspen, the Community of One

Aspen, the Community of One

Our friends in Colorado gushed over the fall color, the golden oneness of an Aspen grove when my husband and I rhapsodized about the fall color that we missed from our childhoods in the Midwest, during a visit with them last June. Later they showed the aspens in...
12-step program for accumulated pen return

12-step program for accumulated pen return

During a burst of housecleaning, a seldom-seen occurrence in our house, I found a drawer full of pens with bank logos, our optometrist, UCI MIND (ha-Alzheimer’s research), our church, swag from a fellow author… It suddenly occurred to me that I was/am a...
The point of Hide’nSeek is to lose –

The point of Hide’nSeek is to lose –

What was your favorite childhood game? Did you hopscotch, play board games, jump rope, or kick the can? Was your sports passion baseball, volleyball, football, or golf? Whether you spectated or played, did you have a...
The Inciting Incident for a Novel Amount of Cash

The Inciting Incident for a Novel Amount of Cash

What would make a great premise or inciting incident for a book? A hook for a reader – or for you, the writer? A murder, a secret, and/or promise to tell-all? A hint, a hazard, a second guess? Another of PJ’s infamous loose-with-the-truths? Here’s an...