Frequent Medical Appointment Miles

Frequent Medical Appointment Miles

I’ve been a breast cancer survivor for nearly sixteen years. Yeah, hurrah, and hallelujah! Say it again – amen! Because I had a rare, insidious, and aggressive type, we can double down on the yelps and applause – and repeat them as long as we like....
A Backyard Animal Fable

A Backyard Animal Fable

No, this is not one of Aesop’s famous fables about the tortoise and the hare. My limerick tale is my creation, a fable I made up as response to another writer’s limerick titled ‘Urtle the Turtle.’ My fable’s title is ‘Sam and...
Dining with Excellence and Flair

Dining with Excellence and Flair

Question: “If you could have dinner with any person, who would it be?” Aristotle, Socrates or Plato? Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or both? I might choose Paul McCartney or Brad Pitt, though I’d likely be tongue-tied when seated across from...
I am a Tangent Ninja

I am a Tangent Ninja

tangent – noun: 1. A line of thought or action that diverges from the main topic or course. 2. A line that touches a curve or a surface at one point but doesn’t cross it. adjective: 1. Straying from the main topic. 2. Touching a curve or a surface at one point...
Goofy is Good.

Goofy is Good.

‘The dog is created especially for children. He is the god of frolic.’  -Henry Ward Beecher I like this quote. It’s apt for our dog, Sparky, whose name implies who he is. He has a joyful personality, which aligns with my paradigm for life: peace and...