by PJColando | Oct 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
The Grim Reaper was grim: he’d forgotten his scythe and here we were – all the way across town, past 20-30 stoplights, most of which had glowered red, holding us hostage for 1 1/2 minutes each. His grandly planned party entrance was despoiled. Such is...
by PJColando | Oct 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
It’s the season: catalogue season. You can tell that the economy is back: back in the saddle, back in the box…back in the use-your-charge-card mode. Nearly 100 catalogues have clogged our mailbox in the past month – yes, I counted. I’m a little...
by PJColando | Oct 22, 2014 | Uncategorized
Did you hear that I published a book? Seriously, everyone who knows me knew I would – I have a ‘completion thing’. The term stems from one of the few movie dialogue lines I can recite -“I don’t have a completion thing” –...
by PJColando | Oct 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
Hi y’all – did you miss me? I was on a cruise to visit Japan, Korea, and China for 2 1/2 weeks, +/- a day due to the International Date Line. Nope. Well, how could you miss me? – I had blog posts cached. (which reminds me of STASHES – have you...
by PJColando | Oct 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me, “Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree.” “Don’t put your faith in love, my boy”, my father said to me, “I fear you’ll find that love is like the lovely lemon...
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