Stashes of Stuff
The Real World Settings of Books
My response to a significant question posed for the Insecure Writers Support Blog members: If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?
WayBack Machine
My monthly contribution to the Insecure Writers Support Group blog hop…
January 7 was not a good day… for me and many
Simultaneous calamities: my preliminary diagnosis and the multiple LA fires –
The Promise of a New Calendar
The prospects ahead when I peal open the shrink-wrap of a new calendar.
Stay Safe!
"Stay safe!" Family members in Elsewhere USA universally said as they checked on our proximity to the Armageddon-like fires on the news. I know they meant well, but they're unable to comprehend the immensity and score, no matter how many metrics I share. To the...
Up or Out Your Wazoo
Exploration of common euphemisms for an over-abundance of trouble
When there was a Will next door
Remembrance of a long-ago neighbor recounted…
Seeking Peace and Joy
My monthly contribution to the Insecure Writers Support Group blog hop…
The Ghost of Christmas Past
A snippet of conversation overheard at the gym, one with great portent – how do you think the story will end?
Life as a Miracle: EMG Test
Last Monday, December 16, I received a Christmas miracle. The date was the fourth anniversary of my ill-fated visit to the local hospital's ER. While I'd been experiencing involuntary muscle twitches during massages in the previous month, on that day, my right leg was...
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PJ would love to hear from you. Do you have a question about PJ's books and musings, don't be shy!