by PJColando | Jul 28, 2020 | blog post
This is your introduction to Bad-Ass Amy, the walking-stalking protagonist of the separate-and-equal sequel of my award-winning book, The Winner’s Circle… Amy’s entrance in Traverse City, site of Travis Castro’s bar, was not as quiet as she’d...
by PJColando | Jul 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
Her entrance was arresting… clandestine, in fact. She was fully dressed, head to toe, and wearing a parka worthy of Alaska. A salt-and-pepper pageboy, not a hair out of place, topped off her image. She had a well-wrinkled face. She looked left, then looked...
by PJColando | Jul 14, 2020 | Uncategorized
No longer limited to Halloween and Carnivale, masks have become the preferred public interface protection. Their purpose: to prevent the inevitable droplets ejected from one’s mouth during coughing and/or talking from spreading the disease to others. It’s...
by PJColando | Jul 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
First world problems are mocked… until one becomes Personal to Thee or Me. In early March, the early fright-filled days of COVID-19, our microwave lurched and stopped. Beaucoup chirpy clicks and beeps emerged from its space among the kitchen cabinets. My husband...
by PJColando | Jul 1, 2020 | Uncategorized This tale may not respond to the question posed, yet shares a true event. It is also healthy and sweet. Happy endings rather than mystery and sad/bad ends are my preferred writing space. It all began with...
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