The Devil’s Advocate Post

The Devil’s Advocate Post

  In the first edition of the Daily News, this reporter has covered the Seven Deadly Sins: we’ve got Greed in the Business Section Sloth in the Leisure Section Gluttony in the Restaurant Reviews Lust in the Movie Reviews Envy in the Gossip Column Pride in...
A walk in the park plot twist

A walk in the park plot twist

Life is not a simple walk in the park, is it? There’s all those people and opinions plotting the demise of happiness from the vagary of their human nature. While “a walk in the park” is an idiom, people can just be idiots. As you know from my tag...
There’s Always an Upside

There’s Always an Upside

It’s easy to understand UP, meaning toward sky and heaven or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in the morning, why do we wake UP? At a meeting, do you listen UP when a topic comes UP – and never, never cut UP? When should we speak UP? You get written UP...
No good deed goes unpunished

No good deed goes unpunished

I first heard this statement in the summer of 1997. A wise mentor gave it voice after I’d written a ground-breaking grant and determined to shepherd its project to fruition. Naive person that I was, I learned its lesson hard. Eight years later I was diagnosed...