by PJColando | Nov 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
Been There. Done That. Whew. Sometimes, you skip that amazing event because you crave a home stay, to read a book or watch TV or flick away idly at Facebook posts, while brutalizing your psyche with thoughts that you’ve missed a scrapbook moment, one for which it’s...
by PJColando | Nov 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
Here we are in the calendar year, in the calorie-laden territory of pumpkin; my husband craves its pie. He is Larry the Pumpkin Pie Eater. With a belly to match his taste buds, though it doesn’t get in the way of hugs, so we nevermind. For a man who expounds on...
by PJColando | Nov 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
I once had a near-Nordstrom experience with Jessica Simpson, the smartest ‘dumb blonde’ of our generation. I walked by the South Coast Plaza store just as she dashed to her limousine and sped off. Cosmic timing a little off, I felt certain that she’s...
by PJColando | Nov 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
You know that I am a lover of words, alliteration, onomonopea, all syllables and sounds that glide off the tongue tip as smoothly as gin glides on. Here’s a good one, a ‘doozie’ to behold: Zeugma. PRONUNCIATION: (ZOOG-muh) Sounds like the car horn of...
by PJColando | Nov 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
Alzheimer’s Disease has been a focus of the books I’ve read of late: Still Alice and We are Not Ourselves, a novel written by a UCI MFA that seemed like a son’s family tale, not fiction, unveiled in excruciating detail. I didn’t select the...
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