A Limerick about Death and Taxes

A Limerick about Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes So, we got our taxes in on time. Having the sorting task off our backs felt sublime But, what the heck! We must write a check And that does not feel fine. Our country is trllions in debt Our check will have little impact But still, we must write We...
Remarkably Bad Travel Choices

Remarkably Bad Travel Choices

Two weeks ago my husband and I returned from a delectable cruise along the western coast of Latin America, an area our extensive travel choices hadn’t touched. For twelve days, with added nights of hotel stays in each country, we cruised between Costa  Rica and...
Wiseacre-age versus Dotage

Wiseacre-age versus Dotage

I’ve attended a multitude of holiday events and a couple of them were populated by old people. You might mingle among them, too. And, so help me, I hope you’re not one of them. Old people are fussy, forever looking backways to the good old days while...
Listening is not a spectator sport

Listening is not a spectator sport

Houseguests. Like regrets, we’ve had a few… too many. So many that the accumulative time exceeds three years since we moved to CA. in 1979. There’s a near-universal theme to the visits in the past dozen years: the guests expect that we will squire...
The Multi-Tasks of Time Change

The Multi-Tasks of Time Change

Time change. The good news: it didn’t blight Halloween trick-or-treat, our neighborhood delight. The bad news: a plethora of onerous tasks occur at this perennial juncture. It’s become our habit to change the batteries in our home’s smoke alarms....
Caught in a Loop

Caught in a Loop

I’ve been stuck in loops lately. Phone calls to physician’s offices to schedule an appointment. Phone calls to receive help with a computer issue. Even when attempting to sign in to Twitter, which I seldom ever do. Though I have my plethora of passwords...