Political Whiplash

Political Whiplash

If you’d sequestered on a ten-day writers’ retreat, leaving home on Friday evening, July 12, and returning Monday, July 22, the United States’ political landscape tilt-a-whirled. On July 13, at an outdoor political rally, to which Trump is prone, a...
Dog Days of Summer

Dog Days of Summer

We’re midway into the ‘dog days of summer’ and I’m already well-cooked, ready to be done. Officially calendared as the period: Wed, Jul 3, 2024 – Sun, Aug 11, 2024, the typically hot and humid period of summer between early July and early...
The Orange County Market Place

The Orange County Market Place

It’s the middle of July and we are not doing something we used to do a lot: go to the Orange County Swap Meet for hours on Saturday morning. For example, it was one of the places we took our Midwestern family members who came to visit. For example, my father and...
Back Seat Stories

Back Seat Stories

 My storytelling career began in the back seat of a car, a ’57 Chevy with its glamorous two-tone green paint job. Inside the vehicle, with the bench seats and the green dash was a giant steering wheel, reserved only for my dad. My mom’s role was to occupy...