‘What’s in your wallet’, er, cupboards and shelves, crowded now by that insurgent, the Elf on the Shelf? What do you have stashed about the house? Here are some of my and my handsome husband’s handy-dandy, well-stashed stuff. Let’s...
This Chicka Boom Booms

This Chicka Boom Booms

Remember when we had the alphabet soup of socialization? Look back to the November 24 post, not that long ago, though here we are in another month, near the end of another year, Chicka Constant Reader.  Peace, Love, Joy, and Contentment B this Chicka-Boomer –...
Dietary Con-foods-ion

Dietary Con-foods-ion

I recently attended a health seminar, focused on the elements of best dietary practice for Youngsters, Elders, and Ever-youngs like me. Here’s the pithy list, most often polysyllabic words that my mind can’t digest. Can yours? It’s dietary...
Social Security and Dynamite

Social Security and Dynamite

Social Security and Dynamite. What do these two things have in common? Ka-Boom! They were both birthed in Stockholm, according to Rick Steves, the travel raconteur of public television. He is a Baby Boomer, so we grant him instant credence, his wisdom earned via a...