Stay Safe!

Stay Safe!

“Stay safe!” Family members in Elsewhere USA universally said as they checked on our proximity to the Armageddon-like fires on the news. I know they meant well, but they’re unable to comprehend the immensity and score, no matter how many metrics I...
Up or Out Your Wazoo

Up or Out Your Wazoo

When a person has problems that threaten to overwhelm them, sometimes an unhelpful friend says they have issues “up the wazoo.” Or they might use the alternative phrase out the wazoo. In either case, wazoo is slang for the butt, and the poor person who’s being talked...
When there was a Will next door

When there was a Will next door

When my husband and I moved into our upscale neighborhood in August 1986, we were the young ‘uns in the cul-de-sac. A terrier lived next door; as other neighbors described her, She was a woman of great will with a stern countenance. She was difficult to get to...
Seeking Peace and Joy

Seeking Peace and Joy

Purpose of this group: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a haven for insecure writers of all kinds! January 8 question...