Been There. Done That.

Whew. Sometimes, you skip that amazing event because you crave a home stay, to read a book or watch TV or flick away idly at Facebook posts, while brutalizing your psyche with thoughts that you’ve missed a scrapbook moment, one for which it’s already too late.

God never gives you more than you can handle, but sometimes you do it to yourself, churning and burning, fretting, sweating, regretting. Sleep a few winks and do it again, not allowing a lapse in your life, even when you relax.

Keep your MOJO working, inside and out.

“ Regularly enjoying some alone time is just as important for our overall health as hitting the gym or cooking up a healthy dinner. ” 

My physician said that, in a recent appointment.

I assent, agree: even a dedicated personal-socializer needs a time-out. Life can’t always be about the merry-go-round.

PJ and Lary 2014-39bAnd, the marry-go-round. When you become older, wiser and wonderfully-and-boringly content, you stay home because you’d rather be there for-and-with your husband, the Best Man Alive, than with anyone, anywhere else.

Been there. Done that. Content to remain in a place of peace: being and doing that.

This is the JOMO, the anagrammed antithesis of MOJO; its the Joy of Missing Out.

That aptly described our Thanksgiving holiday this year. After a simple repast with dear, lively ones, we’ll be stick-tight Lay-Z-Boy with Lane sidekicks.

imagesWe are not turkeys. We are just sorta burned out…not by you, but by demands apportioned, desired or not by ourselves. We are weary to our soles and wish to become among the lethargic elite of the planet, football game watchers hour-upon-hour. That’s Thanksgiving at its best in some crowds. Been there, doing that.

Didn’t think that was possible of positive, peppy-go-round me, did you, Constant Reader? How does your alphabet jumble of socialization go round these days?