The Origin and Sustainability of TGIF

The Origin and Sustainability of TGIF

#TGIF is a ubiquitous acronym, so much so that it’s earned its own hashtag. In the current social media-run milieu that means it’s high value, endemic to our culture. A hashtag is an anointment! The phrase “Thank God it’s Friday” was reportedly uttered...
The Irish Exit

The Irish Exit

This blog post is not about the Irish brouhaha, the unintended consequence of Brexit. Those calamities were on other people’s shores. What I’m writing about is an event that’s imminent on the California coast. I’ve researched to prep myself,...
Life as a Miracle: Rocking the Boots

Life as a Miracle: Rocking the Boots

I remember the date, the place, the time. Do you think I loved him? I remember what he wore and where he posed… Do you think I loved him? I remember I giggled at the party host’s introduction… Do you think it was true? Neither of us recall how we...
Our Friends are Here! Our Friends are Here!

Our Friends are Here! Our Friends are Here!

PJ, Ed, Narelle, and Larry in Sydney, Australia Good morning! Today we will pick up our Aussie friends from the airport. It’s been three years since we’ve seen them and we have much to discuss, much to celebrate. Jubilance abounds! Ed and Narelle will have...