#TGIF is a ubiquitous acronym, so much so that it’s earned its own hashtag. In the current social media-run milieu that means it’s high value, endemic to our culture. A hashtag is an anointment!

The phrase “Thank God it’s Friday” was reportedly uttered sometime in the 1970s by an Ohio-based radio DJ named Jerry Healy. Soon, it became widely used by people of the working class to celebrate the end of the week and usher in a weekend of relaxation. This decade was when my husband and I entered the workforce.

However, the restaurant, T.G.I.F. lays claim to the phrase’s genesis, as part of its early advertising for casual dining, but that’s not our quibble here.

This acronym is typically said by people who have had a lengthy and grinding work week and are glad their weekend has finally arrived. In just a few syllables it expresses gratification that the working week is nearly over, and a weekend of leisure is at hand

TGIF! It’s party time!

It’s an ingrained attitude in our household. Odd because I’ve been retired for ten years and my husband for seventeen (investments afforded our early retirement as planned). Perhaps because we are industrious by nature – and longtime, well-ingrained habit – to work, work, work, during the week and allow ourselves to become slackers, beginning on Friday nights. More convincingly, however, is that my husband was a traveling sales-and-marking man of some renown. He’d been gone from Monday – Friday and his return home on Friday was a cause celeb. My partner in merriment was home

TGIF! It’s party time!

Based on our mutual nose-to-the-grindstone upbringing, it’s plausible – not odd – that this weekend attitude pervades. It perceives the place that each holds in the other’s life, a relationship refreshed in a ritual of weekend dates. I highly recommend this approach to marriage. It sustains joy!