by PJColando | Nov 18, 2013 | Uncategorized
The devil personified always seemed to be seated on my left side when she hissed fiery, false words directly at my face multiple times last year. I could almost feel her spite, er, her spit’s splash. Each time my breath felt sucked from my chest…thank God,...
by PJColando | Mar 19, 2013 | In the Pink, Purpose
This post was written in late February as I awaited a scheduled surgery date. I acted on my faithful friend’s wisdom, that, what the mind doesn’t know, it invents…I sidetracked worry into its own dead end, not allowing it to blight my day or night. I...
by PJColando | Jan 15, 2013 | Uncategorized
“We’re on a road to nowhere Come on inside Takin’ that ride to nowhere We’ll take that ride.” All of us bloggers are Talking Heads, so the quote seemed appropriate. Forgive me for borrowing; I couldn’t resist. The stained...
by PJColando | Dec 26, 2012 | In the Pink
Santa Baby, Thanks for putting Larry and I on your list, checking it twice. We know our names are there because we have a snow globe with you checking our list before mounting your ride around the world to deliver gifts. Our names are prominently displayed, spelled...
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