This post was written in late February as I awaited a scheduled surgery date. I acted on my faithful friend’s wisdom, that, what the mind doesn’t know, it invents…I sidetracked worry into its own dead end, not allowing it to blight my day or night.
I utilized my imaginative mind to write a dozen blog posts, placing them into a queue until an appointed date, to share them with —. Don’t know if a person is listening or reading, but God is. I believe that He would be/is proud of me – and I know His earthly agent would be. I didn’t worry, knowing that I was in His heart and hands. And, I put my head’s gift of imagination into my fast fingers, tapping on some keys to write. I hope that the words travel the stairway to heaven…and that they bounce back down with His validation of my purpose and my protection of self.
I write when I feel blue; I write when I feel black; and I write to keep the wolves of worry at bay.
Well said, PJ – good writing – at least in my opinion!!!
How could I and why would I disagree with an opinion that includes compliments! Thanks –
PJ – I really needed to read this today. We have just embarked on a major journey (we put on offer on a house on Saturday and it was accepted on Sunday!)…and 2 of the last 3 nights, I have awoke at 2 or 3 in the morning filled with worry, doubt, and anxiousness that keep me up for a good 2 hours. Both nights, I have gotten up to journal and acknowledge my fears/worries and submit them to God. STILL, it is so hard to keep that mind from wandering. I suppose that’s why Paul exhorted us to take every thought captive to Christ.
Thanks for your writing and truth-speaking to my soul. God love you & bless you! 🙂
Isn’t God’s timing terrific? While I wrote this a month ago, I was guided to schedule it for today. Amen! Thanks for validating my purpose.
And very proud of you and yours, too