by PJColando | Jun 20, 2023 | blog post, Featured
Throughout my adult life, I’ve hobby-hopped. Do you share this seemingly flighty habit? Envision a series of stepping stones scattered across the rivers, creeks, and streams one must cross to get to the sane side of life when the insanities assail. The problems...
by PJColando | Feb 1, 2023 | blog post, Purpose
Though I’m less insecure than when I joined this group, I choose to remain within its fold. I’m no longer abashed by my lack of credentials, such as the vaunted MFA, nor cowed by the critique received in a group of honest and well-wishing peers. I feel...
by PJColando | Jun 22, 2021 | blog post, Purpose
I get stuck occasionally on where a novel should go next. That’s writers block, some folks say. It happened often during our protracted quarantine, so I switched to short stories as my writing venue. This created a treasure trove of short stories, so that...
by PJColando | Sep 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
I recently rehabbed some old jeans. They were expensive, so I wasn’t apt to toss them. I grew up relatively poor and, as the eldest child, there were no hand-me-downs. I learned to hang on to clothing as long as it fit my lanky frame. Further, like every other...
by PJColando | Nov 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
I may or may not always be an insecure writer – such is the nature of the beast – but I know that my style, creativity, and aplomb have evolved since I started writing free 7-8 years ago. What began as a quest to accomplish wishes not yet explored in my...
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