Creativity is a Habit to Cultivate

Creativity is a Habit to Cultivate

Throughout my adult life, I’ve hobby-hopped. Do you share this seemingly flighty habit? Envision a series of stepping stones scattered across the rivers, creeks, and streams one must cross to get to the sane side of life when the insanities assail. The problems...
Process vs. Product

Process vs. Product

Though I’m less insecure than when I joined this group, I choose to remain within its fold. I’m no longer abashed by my lack of credentials, such as the vaunted MFA, nor cowed by the critique received in a group of honest and well-wishing peers. I feel...
Sleep Plotting, a go-to author tool

Sleep Plotting, a go-to author tool

I get stuck occasionally on where a novel should go next. That’s writers block, some folks say. It happened often during our protracted quarantine, so I switched to short stories as my writing venue. This created a treasure trove of short stories, so that...
7 Benefits of Rehabbing Old Jeans

7 Benefits of Rehabbing Old Jeans

I recently rehabbed some old jeans. They were expensive, so I wasn’t apt to toss them. I grew up relatively poor and, as the eldest child, there were no hand-me-downs. I learned to hang on to clothing as long as it fit my lanky frame. Further, like every other...
Creativity Evolved

Creativity Evolved

I may or may not always be an insecure writer – such is the nature of the beast – but I know that my style, creativity, and aplomb have evolved since I started writing free 7-8 years ago. What began as a quest to accomplish wishes not yet explored in my...