Blue Bird of Happiness

Blue Bird of Happiness

Happiness is craved, for me as much as anyone, I confess. In search of evermore accurate ways of quantifying human happiness, researchers at the University of Vermont have tuned into Twitter. Seriously, the Hollywood hype forum has come under academic scrutiny. Must...
Green and red

Green and red

Here’s a map of California, showing the counties in which 62.5% of the voters passed Prop 13. Look at the red: a small land mass lost to big consequences for green, as in money. Larry and I were in California, seeking jobs, when Prop 13 passed in 1978. Our...


Here it is, at last, a brand new book for your shelf! Oh, that’s right! In California we don’t have bugs, though our small garden could use some help…other than the birds, raccoons, and squirrels helping themselves to our produce. Suggestions anyone?...