by PJColando | Jan 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
New Year’s Resolutions, Version 1.0 – here goes nothing (wink-wink) Last year I flew to Indiana twice. One time the travel was bumpy. The other time it was not. Interestingly, the first trip went smoothly, serenely between the plane there and the plane...
by PJColando | Aug 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
My husband and I have no social agenda except to have and be a “nice time”. “Nice time” = It was Larry’s frequent phrase and I instantly ascribed. When we converted ourselves to California-ism, it became easier to achieve: our new state...
by PJColando | Aug 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
“How can they allow motorcycles between the cars on the freeways? What if someone opened their cardoor?” This question/comment from a Colorado visitor long before the state legalized dope… Yikes! Neither my husband or I replied. How could we? We...
by PJColando | Mar 15, 2016 | Uncategorized
I had a beauty make-over in the 80s at Image Works with my splendid friend, Sandi Clark. The purpose was to authenticate my adulthood, my move from co-ed to professional woman, if you will. she added lipstick to ‘bring color to my face’, overriding the...
by PJColando | Jul 1, 2013 | Blonde
“What did you do to your hair?” my mother said. I blinked at the remark.. I wasn’t prone to mirror reflection, growing up matter-of-fact about my appearance. Just like her, my model. We’d vacationed in California, and I had enjoyed my...
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