Conjunction  Function – Let’s Start

Conjunction Function – Let’s Start

A conjunction is a word used to connect two clauses or sentences. Sometimes I use “and” to begin a sentence… while it’s regarding regarded as improper writing, it’s how my mind works, connecting thoughts like dots in endless array. My...
Productive Procrastination

Productive Procrastination

Ah, spring cleaning! An annual ritual modeled by my mom. She’d wash the walls (!), launder the curtains and then hang them on the clothesline, and clear every cupboard in the house. Psst…I’ve never done any of those things because, as a working...
Season your writing with a dash –

Season your writing with a dash –

Writers are well-advised to spice up their writing to immerse a reader in their story, to make it compelling, sexy, and enticing. A dash of this and a dash of that, such as these diverse dashes that are often confused. The Em Dash (—) Em dashes get their name from...
Let the Good Times Roll

Let the Good Times Roll

It’s the best of times; it’s the worst of times. What are your writer highs (the good times)? And what are your writer lows (the blues)? Hey, IWSG members – are you willing to share? Last week embodied the worst of times for an active blogger like...
Let the Good Times Roll

Express Your Excitement

Visit my author site and note my slogan. Observe that exclamation point is represented in verbiage and sign: “I am a walking exclamation point, eager to share the wit and wisdom of the Midwest … welcome to the neighborhood!”...