by PJColando | Jun 8, 2021 | blog post, Blonde, Purpose
My husband once asked me, “Who do you dress for, PJ?” The question startled me. Not because it came from a man, let alone my happily-married one who happens to be my longtime beau, but because I’d never considered it. On reflection, I knew I dressed...
by PJColando | Mar 19, 2019 | Uncategorized
An odd thing happened in the OC this winter… it rained. Seriously. California is winter’s promised land in Elsewhere, USA, and Orange County is its prime showcase, a mecca for many. Sunshine is our platform, our right, our spirit animal. In a significant failure...
by PJColando | Aug 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
My husband and I have no social agenda except to have and be a “nice time”. “Nice time” = It was Larry’s frequent phrase and I instantly ascribed. When we converted ourselves to California-ism, it became easier to achieve: our new state...
by PJColando | Apr 2, 2014 | Purpose
It’s been a remarkable year, with most of our friends and family back East snowed in and under by weather: withering heights of snow, entrenched anxiety and disheveled spirits. Daggers of ice dripping from eaves, threatening to drive stakes into Spring. The...
by PJColando | Apr 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
The winter season has passed and taken its weather with it. Weather happens whether we like it or not, so we grin and bare it. We are blessed in southern California because with weather we most often get to bare it, not bear it. Ha-ha-yeah! As you know we have...
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