When there was a Will next door

When there was a Will next door

When my husband and I moved into our upscale neighborhood in August 1986, we were the young ‘uns in the cul-de-sac. A terrier lived next door; as other neighbors described her, She was a woman of great will with a stern countenance. She was difficult to get to...
Follow-up to Thanks-Giving Vibes

Follow-up to Thanks-Giving Vibes

Behold half of our merry gatherers for our Friendsgiving this year. The couple across the table from my husband and I are longtime friends who’ve hosted us for Thanksgiving for a dozen years. They allowed us to reciprocate because they’d recently returned...
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

We – the majority of Americans who voted last week, not me, myself, or I –  just elected a guy who’s fine with the climate crisis and increasingly drastic swirls of weather, children and teachers getting shot in school, with no Department of...
Storytelling Makes Hearts Beat as One

Storytelling Makes Hearts Beat as One

A human heart is so much more than an organ. No one says they left their pancreas in San Francisco or that two kidneys beat as one. Folks do say that two people can be joined at the hip… But I digress. Most people ascribe to the axiom that two hearts can beat as...
30 Days hath November…

30 Days hath November…

“Thirty days hath November. April, June, and September. February alone has 28 – let’s celebrate my birthday with a corona-vaccine shot! Well, tomorrow is December 1. I prayed for COVID to be over by Christmas – ’twas all I wanted. But,...