We – the majority of Americans who voted last week, not me, myself, or I –  just elected a guy who’s fine with

  1. the climate crisis and increasingly drastic swirls of weather,
  2. children and teachers getting shot in school, with no Department of Education to reinforce a tenant of free education for all,
  3. disengaging from NATO and partying with Putin to leave Ukraine in the lurch, and,
  4. generally doing anything and everything for his gain and benefit, to hell with others.

We – the citizens of our household disagree and worry about the past, in which his nefarious acts will be pardoned and expunged; the present, in which fear will increase among immigrants and other groups marginalized by the thugs, and the future with portended higher prices for imported goods due to tariffs as well as the loss of rights of the many unfavored by the regime.

Perhaps nothing will change. Our fears for our democracy may not come to fruition because his pattern has been to loudly complain, lie, and not provide solutions or figure stuff out. Who knows how long the egos of Trump, Musk, and RFK, Jr. can mesh? Whose influence will prevail – which Steve, Bannon or Miller? Most of all, we think Donold doesn’t care: He wants applause and credit, not responsibility. His fear of failure disallows that.

No matter what this portends – the celebrated Thanksgiving feast could be filled with tension as families deal with election-spawned conflicts.

What topics are hot? What are not? What are off limits, and what rules of decorum will be obeyed? Whether we like it or not, it’s a re-do of 2016.

Who among your friends, family, and acquaintances share your beliefs and/or can agree to disagree? Time to take inventory. This issue can not slide. Who fills your heart with love, your mind with peace, and your soul with thanks?


Who are you inviting to dinner, Constant Reader Peeps?