The Rest of Alphabet Speak from the ’60s

The Rest of Alphabet Speak from the ’60s

After my parents passed away, we siblings gathered to close down their home. It was a fraught time, my husband and I worked with a brother-in-law to set up the necessary event and most of us pitched in well, fully engaged and enthralled with the task. Enthralled may...
The Rest of Alphabet Speak from the ’60s

Knick-knack, this Old Man…

 Hey gang, guess where I’ve been? Back in the Midwest, cavorting with former high school classmates. It was a reunion – small because originally there were only 32 graduates, or were there 33? None of us fully recall the details, but what can it matter...
The Rest of Alphabet Speak from the ’60s

There was an Old Lady – and she was thee!

Sometimes there are no words. Sometimes there are more. Authors hear much about keywords when it comes to Amazon sales. I written about that in the past. Today’s blog has another tasty treat: the continued alphabetical list of phrases I recall from my misspent...
There was an Old Lady and she was me!

There was an Old Lady and she was me!

Way back in April I riffed on The Media, the whipping boy/girl of the current regime: Thanks to television, it was easy to pick up what was new and cool when we were tweens/teens/twenty-somethings. Remember? Kick back and getcha...