Hey gang, guess where I’ve been? Back in the Midwest, cavorting with former high school classmates. It was a reunion – small because originally there were only 32 graduates, or were there 33? None of us fully recall the details, but what can it matter after all these years?
I was gratified that nobody died in Vietnam, though a few have passed on from the twists and turns of life. The guys looked like old men (see below) but the ladies did not (see below)
We hugged and laughed and drank and sang – and I heard several of the phrases I’ve posted. From A – Z, here’s more.
Hope you get a kick out of them 😉
noun; pastime, activity done for pleasure. “She gets her kicks by going to the beach.”
verb; criticize, insult. “He just sits around and knocks people.”
noun; non-conformist. “Look at the kook. He’s wearing a pink pants.”
noun; speech, language dialect. “Hippies speak strange lingo.”
adjective; Rich. “That guy is really loaded.” Drunk, intoxicated. “After the party he sure was loaded.” (Crocked, stoned, boozed)
noun; money. “How much loot is the speeding ticket going to cost you? (Bread, dough)
interjection; an expression of feeling with no real meaning. “Man, that was a hard test.”
noun; bunch, group, a lot of. “There’s a mess of kids who always hangs out at Taco’s.”
adjective; better than average, good, great. “What a neat ring!”
adjective; not very good, not acceptable. “That song is nowhere.”
Old lady
noun; mother, wife, girlfriend. “My old lady burned the pancakes.”
Old man
noun. Father, husband, boyfriend. “Her old man has the wheels so she can’t go.”
Out of it
adjective; naive, not keeping up with the times. “He’s so old he’s out of it.” Drunk. Loaded. ” He was so out of it. I didn’t understand a word he said.”
verb; angry, mad. “Is she pissed at you?”
adjective; drunk, intoxicated. “He only drank a little bit but he sure got plastered.” (Loaded, crocked, stoned.)
noun; bothersome person, one the speaker dislikes. “Don’t bother me, you punk!”
Put (someone) on
try to put something over on someone. Joke. “I don’t believe that story. You’re putting me on.”
My nickname PJ didn’t yet exist in high school. Guess what my classmates called me? Sadly, it wasn’t Patricia, my nobly-generated given name. I only heard “Patricia” when my mother was mightily mad at me.
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