Life as a Miracle: the Berlin Wall

Life as a Miracle: the Berlin Wall

My husband and I crave adventure and travel is our ‘thing.’ Our first travel abroad was to Italy. We trekked the Italian countryside with a TWA tour, another airline – along with its travel agency – that is defunct. Our travel agent...
Life as a Miracle: Graduation Day

Life as a Miracle: Graduation Day

This is a tale of a recent graduation ceremony. Not mine or Larry’s, but of a young man of great worth to us. Especially Larry. The young collegiate had pulled himself up by his bootstraps, sort of like his ‘Uncle Lar.’ He was/is someone to love,...
Life as a Miracle: Lean on Me

Life as a Miracle: Lean on Me

In October 2106, I took a big spill. It’s a miracle my aging bones didn’t break. If ‘inquiring minds’ wish to read about it, here’s the past post: I endured. Two weeks’ wait for...
Life as a Miracle: Sunday Safari 1991

Life as a Miracle: Sunday Safari 1991

For two dozen years, Soroptimists, an international service organization for women, consumed my spare time. Most often it was a good thing, a boon to my life. Because I was in solo private practice, and did not earn my speech-language pathology degree in this state, I...
Life as A Miracle: Purdue Party Meet

Life as A Miracle: Purdue Party Meet

Life as a Miracle – it’s a great way to live. Filled with wonder, in-the-moment, unfettered and free, it fuels peace, love, joy, and contentment. Speaking of peace, love, joy, and contentment, as well as the miracles of life, here’s the tale of a...