by PJColando | Dec 24, 2024 | blog post, In the Pink
Last Monday, December 16, I received a Christmas miracle. The date was the fourth anniversary of my ill-fated visit to the local hospital’s ER. While I’d been experiencing involuntary muscle twitches during massages in the previous month, on that day, my...
by PJColando | Oct 26, 2021 | blog post, rant, sorrow, Uncategorized
My husband and I have booked a flight to the Midwest, compelled to visit an elderly relative who is hospitalized and hovering near death, no matter what his medical team tries to infuse to fight his illnesses. We’ve been cautioned to demur, by those close to...
by PJColando | Jan 26, 2021 | blog post
I’ve completed a half-dozen comprehensive questionnaires in the past two months, as I desperately sought the cause, then the cessation of my private earthquakes, 0-9 n a Richter Scale… the jitters and shivers of my joints that fought against my peace of...
by PJColando | Oct 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
There’s a dear person. I’ve known her for five-six years. She married a son of my husband’s cousin, with whom Larry grew up as a sister, because his two sisters were much older than him – moved away from home to attend higher learning schools...
by PJColando | Mar 16, 2015 | Uncategorized
There are few words that can tilt your world faster than “You’re fired.” Unless it’s “Your dad’s in a coma and not expected to live.” Two conversational clips that I heard within an hour seven years ago. St. Patty’s...
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