Life as a Miracle: EMG Test

Life as a Miracle: EMG Test

Last Monday, December 16, I received a Christmas miracle. The date was the fourth anniversary of my ill-fated visit to the local hospital’s ER. While I’d been experiencing involuntary muscle twitches during massages in the previous month, on that day, my...
Humanity bonded by Disaster –

Humanity bonded by Disaster –

Humans tend to fall into a trap of thinking that well-being is a zero-sum game. Disasters rip away the fallacy of self-reliance, to which Americans are prone. Disasters have laid bare our utter dependence on one another. We’ve experienced this before/after...
Revolution is built on Hope

Revolution is built on Hope

At last we saw the latest Star Wars epic, Rogue One. Smash, bang, boom, whip fast, gee whiz, shazam! The film’s clarion through line, “Revolution is built on hope” renewed mine. Hope against hope. Yoda said it first, though I didn’t locate his...
A Cautionary TALE

A Cautionary TALE

 The good news is that my knees didn’t buckle, bend the wrong way, or creak during Thai travel. The bad news evoked more revery than a single sentence… Fragile, cautious, in jeopardy. Not feelings I’d ever experienced before. Never a victim of...