Living Life as a Miracle: backroad towns

Living Life as a Miracle: backroad towns

Awhile ago, I wrote a short post about averting a speeding ticket My husband reminded me recently that he has the touch of innocence to thwart a ticket, too. We’ll call it the Midas of Sincere. Here’s the story, I kid...
12 life hacks Mom and Dad didn’t teach

12 life hacks Mom and Dad didn’t teach

#1. The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once! This will come in handy when my husband’s crop avalanches in a month. But first I will have to locate two flat...

Air Force Amy and the Fat Farm

So you read about the sudden passage of my office mate, posted on May 28. This here is an addendum of pornographic quality… Are you hooked yet? My office mate died in January 2004, suddenly, harshly, and in a compressed time frame. Not only was I grieving and...