Our Friends are Here! Our Friends are Here!

Our Friends are Here! Our Friends are Here!

PJ, Ed, Narelle, and Larry in Sydney, Australia Good morning! Today we will pick up our Aussie friends from the airport. It’s been three years since we’ve seen them and we have much to discuss, much to celebrate. Jubilance abounds! Ed and Narelle will have...
Once, Twice, Three Times = Trend

Once, Twice, Three Times = Trend

I have a tape recorder memory. At least I once did. It works like the vaunted photographic memory. I recall snippets of conversations, often odd bits that don’t fit a logical paradigm. It’s not because I was once an actress, as the graphic suggests, but...
Life as a Miracle: Rosalinda and Cindy

Life as a Miracle: Rosalinda and Cindy

Some dates you never forget. The configuration of the room, the season, the temp. The people who showed up. Those not. When you got the news of Kennedy being shot, when the first plane flew into one of the Twin Towers – so you could turn on the live TV coverage...