Friend or Foe or Backfriend

Friend or Foe or Backfriend

This message arrived via email, from one of the several word nerd services to which I subscribe. I don’t mind these emails among the congestion of junk and such. What I deplore are the donation pleas from members from both political parties and the expensive...
Life as a Miracle: Sista Suzi

Life as a Miracle: Sista Suzi

What does one say in the face of full charm, a woman met serendipitously after she and one of my clients casually flirted when he trotted past her office window alongside his mom. To-and-from his therapy sessions with me. The woman in the photo is me, working the...
Life as a Miracle: It’s a Mad World

Life as a Miracle: It’s a Mad World

Today is Halloween. It’s a spooky and magical night. Costume ready? Pillowcase pulled from the linen closet to hold your haul? Ready to watch the Great Pumpkin, the ritual cartoon from the Peanuts gang? Or are you more the Starbucks’ Pumpkin Latte type? I...
The Tall Poppy Syndrome

The Tall Poppy Syndrome

We’ve just returned from lands Down Under, where I’ve learned an apropos phrase: the Tall Poppy Syndrome. It’s applied to me nearly all my life. In one incident after another, for better or worse, mostly worst. I am more sensitive than people care to...