I’m Thankful for Books

I’m Thankful for Books

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles W. Eliot, American academic and 21st president of Harvard University in his 1896 book, The Happy...
A Personal Elevator Pitch

A Personal Elevator Pitch

This month’s optional question: What’s harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb? Hmm… I swerved a bit as my thoughts composed my blog post, to the business of writing a blurb for me! “I am a walking exclamation point, eager...
The Secrets to Happiness

The Secrets to Happiness

If you wonder how to be happy, begin with a look at your God-given gifts. List them and then examine them for your purpose. How do you make a difference, so that your presence would be missed? During our protracted and shared pandemic, I’ve had plenty of time to...
Knees and needs

Knees and needs

Today my sibling, four years younger, is having double knee replacement surgery. Three months ago today, I injured my knee on a beach walk – coincident with her email announcement. Bad knees are our heritage, so I inquired of all siblings about their needs and...