Boomer Humor Taboo

Boomer Humor Taboo

Someone told me a long time ago, perhaps my dad, the superior punster: sense of humor changes as you progress through the years. Topics that make you LOL differ at age 26 versus 62…BUT I’m swimmingly unappreciative of this cartoon. The cartoon seems 20,000...
Monumental Shrink

Monumental Shrink

Raise your hand if you’ve been measured during a health physical recently, and then informed with that bland, benign smile that only doctors and judges wear, that you’ve shrunk? It’s what happened while you were walking around all these years,...
Look me in the eye

Look me in the eye

What I said in my outside voice: “Hi, good to see you again.” What I said inside my head: “Look me in the eye, not the lids”, while the woman, an acquaintance I hadn’t seen in some time, scrutinized the space between my pupils and...