A diet began. Not out of preference, but out of necessity: I have no willpower and my weight had punched up. Groan.  😐

Yeah, my body was more than over-plump. I’d edged into fat. A while ago, but it was time. It was propitious because I’d have my husband’s full support.

He was dieting, too, eager to lose 20 pounds. He has willpower and I piggy-backed.

I was cosmetically fat and favorite clothes no longer fit. I was not unhealthfully fat, though my knees had begun to complain about having to heft and hoist that extra poundage. I’d over-carbed and laid prone on the couch for a month of the hot-humid summer.

To my credit, I was reading. To my uncredit, I didn’t reduce the calorie intake. I’d remained hydrated through the heat and humidity – with water and wine and gin-n-tonic.

I did well. Clothes began to fit. I no longer had to exist in yoga pants due to their stretch. And then –

A friend hostessed an in-home clothing party. I felt compelled to go forth. She always prepared a couple of salads and meats… to elect to make a sandwich. Or not. I’d hydrate with water, not wine. I’d be safe.

I filled the over-large paper plate with a single salad and by-passed the deserts. So pretty, so light, so tiny – and two types.

I seated myself pertly, on the edge of my chair to balance the plate, and chowed down. Slowly, petitely, satisfied. Smiling and smug.

And then, the plate of tiny cupcakes twirled in front of my face. Someone carted the treats around the room, perhaps our hostess, but I didn’t look up. I just shook my head “no.”

Then she circled back and the cupcakes remained in view overlong. I lifted a tiny cupcake onto my plate with a “why not” attitude.

The cupcake sat and sat and sat. It didn’t wink, it didn’t twinkle, it didn’t call my name. All was calm as I ordered new clothes. A size smaller, pleased with myself.

Suddenly the cupcake toppled. It launched itself and fell, despite my attempt to catch it. On its head. Splat.

I picked it up, napkined the icing from the wood floor, and walked quickly to the trash. My diet saved by a cupcake.

An omen to keep me on track. Life as a Miracle. I believe. Yes.

Later, the devil got me… 😉
