Main Character or Protagonist

Main Character or Protagonist

While you, Young Writer, may think the terms ‘main character’ and ‘protagonist’ are interchangeable and functionally the same, they are not. That’s what I believed until recently. I’ll help you change your understanding with...


Welcome readers, writers, authors, and bloggers! We’re glad you’re here! It’s the First Wednesday of the month; when we celebrate IWSG Day in the form of a blog hop featuring members and guests of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Founded by...
A Backyard Animal Fable

A Backyard Animal Fable

No, this is not one of Aesop’s famous fables about the tortoise and the hare. My limerick tale is my creation, a fable I made up as response to another writer’s limerick titled ‘Urtle the Turtle.’ My fable’s title is ‘Sam and...
Back Seat Stories

Back Seat Stories

 My storytelling career began in the back seat of a car, a ’57 Chevy with its glamorous two-tone green paint job. Inside the vehicle, with the bench seats and the green dash was a giant steering wheel, reserved only for my dad. My mom’s role was to occupy...
My Grandmothers’ Aprons

My Grandmothers’ Aprons

Do modern kids and their moms know what an apron is? Perhaps, but they think of an apron encircling the waist of a waiter at a dine-in restaurant or a server at In-N-Out or McDonald’s. It’s not something worn at home except when Dad’s the BBQ man....
Under Construction Indefinitely

Under Construction Indefinitely

My orthopedist chuckled when I uttered the phrase that serves as the title of this post. That day I was in his office to get cortisone shots, rather than surgery, as a reward for my steadfast efforts to prolong the capabilities required for daily life: walking,...