

sprezzatura PRONUNCIATION: (spret-sah-TOOR-uh)  MEANING: noun: Doing (or giving the appearance of doing) something effortlessly; effortless grace; nonchalance. ETYMOLOGY: From Italian. Earliest documented use: 1957. In 1957, the year of this term’s earliest...
May Day!

May Day!

  Remember that holiday rite where you left a bouquet at a the front door of a friend, rang the doorbell, and ran away? Me neither. May be it was a florists’ dream from the 1950s. Established as the first of May and entitled May Day! Which, of course, is a...
Pink vs. Blue Sweetener

Pink vs. Blue Sweetener

Look at the sweetener array. I paused each time I opened the kitchen cupboard when visiting my parents’ home in Indiana. Confronted with choices before I’d sipped the coffee in my mug…yikes! Confusion. Complications. All I wanted was to get my day...
Social Life

Social Life

I relish my momma’s advice because I so seldom got any; she was a busy homemaker. Every word was cash in the bank, kept in memory for all it was worth. Because it was always pithy and true, a keeper. “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say...
…”when I’m 64″

…”when I’m 64″

We were celebrating a big birthday and an ‘all-clear’ from cancer for me. My husband and I had also endured an intense period of deaths, pitfalls, and passages in the prior year, and we needed to culminate our grieving with some kind of commemorative...