Better than Sex Cake

Better than Sex Cake

It was the ‘80s. The era of big hair, big shoulder pads, and big appetites. Disco fever raged on dance floors lighted by a mirrored ball overhead. Sweat flavored the manic gyrations of those in quest of a mate. Greed was espoused—lauded by Gordon Gekko—until Tom...
Life as a Miracle: Five Guys

Life as a Miracle: Five Guys

Last year, we call can agree, was the pits. We all suffer, as this new year begins, from PTSD, previously the domain of warriors returning from battles in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq. I have a unique variant of PTSD, one that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. For...
What love is –

What love is –

 What love is: relentless tender feelings and accommodation of foibles… utter lack of practicality to provide any and all support… ardent devotion gingerly mingled with silliness: to take oneself seriously is to undermine the nature of loving another more...
Words and music

Words and music

U2! We attended a U2 tribute band concert yesterday:  note-for-note, phrase-for-phrase exuberance. I recovered the muse. Music does that to me. You, too? Rock music unleashes the laces that bind us to commoners’ propriety, routine, and decorum. To rules embedded...

Living Life as Miracle: Office Move

Sometimes you don’t know who to ask. Sometimes you feel like you’ve asked too much. Sometimes you’re just self-reliant. It’s not a stubborn belief in self, but determination to accomplish that drives. Sometimes you feel like you are constantly...