Our friends in Colorado gushed over the fall color, the golden oneness of an Aspen grove when my husband and I rhapsodized about the fall color that we missed from our childhoods in the Midwest, during a visit with them last June. Later they showed the aspens in groves and groves near their home at my explicit request. A Midwestern family member did the same – sent the multi-color of Maples to me.

Gosh, how I love family and friends who love me and faithfully follow through.

Now it’s winter and the aspen groves have changed aspect. Here’s a creepy or not creepy – dependant on your point of view – glimpse of an aspen grove at eye level (wink-wink). Peering out into a wintering landscape. Solitary in its community of aspens, for all is one and one is all.

I abhor winter, though I like snow. I adore family and friends who follow through and stick tight with Larry and me. Like the Three Musketeers. Like aspen trees in a community –

These peeps keep their eye on me and he  😉

All for one and one for all. More than the Three Musketeers.

Speaking of three amigos who stick together, have you checked out – and purchased, please – my new release, the third in the Faith, Family, Frenzy! series: It’s live on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iBooks, and other buy sites.
