So, due to a recent birthday, I’ve become geriatric. No, I’m not a Jurassic Park dinosaur – at least not culturally – but I do have ancient bones, body aches and pains. I’ve a long-time yoga, physical therapy, and massage devotee. This array of tools helps to keep my body supple.
It’s time to address the suppleness of my brain.
Sleep is a simple enhancement. I am dedicated to a nightly six-eight hours and an afternoon power nap. I’m a pro at the brain restoration basic.
I need something new to enhance my memories. A way to nuance the old and perhaps build new neural cells.
I’ve long known that exercise improves mental health as well as bodily fitness and health. I’ve also known that completion of crossword puzzles provides no enhancement – it’s merely repetition of the same skill. While it keeps one’s vocabulary sharp, it’s routine and contributes nothing to move the brain forward.
The magic is learning a new skill – to push your brain to its limits and become a beginner again.
Humbling? You bet. Daunting? Never. Remember when computers were new? Cell phones, too… Now they’re ubiquitous. I’ll bet you can even pay your bills online and/or make an in-person purchase with your phone! We are part of the Peter Pan (I’ll never grow old) Boomer generation. We’re also the never say die or be down-and-out generation. We forebear. Failure is not an option (at least for Type-As like me).
The phrase adult beginner has an air of gentle pity, but don’t let others’ opinions deter you now anymore than they have throughout life. Ignore the naysayers or, better yet, dare them to join you!
Suggestions to accomplish the goals of refreshing the supplies on one’s brain include –
- learn to juggle
- learn to quilt
- learn to square dance
- learn to play bridge and other card games
- learn the breast stroke
- watch the Super Bowl ads and ignore the game (!)
Any other suggestions, Boomers? I welcome them, just as I welcome new friends and fresh ideas.
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