The intersection between what you desire and what your God desires is the provenance of the happy dance. There’s no denying the zen derivative: a pleasurable, peaceable life. Heaven bound.
But where and what’s the map, Honey Be-doers? (anyone here a graduate of Romper Room TV)
There’s the primer that ignited many with religious fervor: The Purpose-Driven Life. It’s sold billions of copies and helped to build a mega-church. To worship there is a privilege, among seekers to be/do good.
Then there’s this recent article that set the world atwitter awhile back:
People speak in numbingly vague terms about Life’s Work, Mission, Glory, and Passion, too, desperate to empower connection-of-purpose to make the world go round: one’s personal world and ‘the whole wide world’ that He has in His hands..
How about this life question as means of connecting to one’s inner drive: What makes you cry?
What cause remains as after-taste at the end of the day, what floats your boat, wigs your wag, makes your pillow wet?
What would you go without sleep or pedicure for, let alone mega-bucks in the bank? Would cause you to take the shirt off your back to clothe a hope-gutted man?
What makes me cry is that many men and women had to die, in the name of Peace, when Pride and Power are the unnamed culprits. Evil cloaked in God is not good.
War is not good for His children and other living things.
Whenever someone admonishes me ‘to not take it personally’ regarding another’s slight, I counter with the fact that hundreds, thousands, millions of people have had to die for another’s slight, sniper bullet, airport bomb, sometimes replicating centuries’ ancient wars.
These unfortunates had to take the slight personally: they died.
It makes me cry.
Please memorialize soldiers, alive and passed-on. Yesterday, today, tomorrow – everyday.
photo credit: <a href=”″>Head in Hands</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>
“Evil cloaked in God” makes me cry…it comes in many forms… and can blind even the most intelligent of folks…
Agreed, Gail.
Oh, look! Greed is a word within agreed – yikes!
Just as evil is within Devil and some folks are blinded-and-bound, just as you note.