I think I was born wearing go-go boots. I reportedly walked at nine months and I’ve been on-the-go every since. What about you?

Today I’m taking a detour. I’m going to shunpike rather let an incident take a toll. Shunpike is a new word I learned. It means to take a side road to avoid a toll road. It’s apt. Let me explain.

Let’s say you have existed in a group, always on the periphery, hanging out, biding your time, hoping to be included in the circle. However, while most people recognize you as fresh, living, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting, this group’s inner circle ignores. Others see you as kind, considerate, and understanding, someone who is always full of cheer, ready to cheer others on.

Not this gang about town. This coven is ruled by envy, the evil of this world. Their passive-aggressiveness has consistently gotten under your skin. There is no in, there is always out, being on the outside, feeling grim.

No more – and, to quote the raven, never more. Not I, not me, neither sinning or winning, nevermore gonna be near. I am shunpiking to a different, high-glam path. I am leading myself to the light.

Shaking the dust off my feet and ambling away to the other side of the Earth. Cleverly clicking my heels because, like Dorothy, I had the power all along. Not kicking or screaming or shambling. Willing myself to get clear. HIgh road and not laid low.
My feet were made for dancing to match the smile on my face. Watch the new zing in my step. No map needed to shunpike!
Let’s dance!
Btw Do you shunpike the freeway or plow headlong into the congestion and high speeds?