There’s No Place like Home

There’s No Place like Home

“There’s no place like home,” Dorothy famously said. (my husband and i wed in my parents’home. This post is written on the date of their wedding anniversary, which I’m certain they are celebrating in heaven) “There’s no place...
My Favored Place to Write

My Favored Place to Write “If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be? Today’s Insecure Writers question isn’t a question to me. It is a statement of peace and joy… For my...
All’s Hammers

All’s Hammers

Alzheimer’s Disease has been a focus of the books I’ve read of late: Still Alice and We are Not Ourselves, a novel written by a UCI MFA that seemed like a son’s family tale, not fiction, unveiled in excruciating detail. I didn’t select the...