I’m Thankful for Books

I’m Thankful for Books

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors and the most patient of teachers.” – Charles W. Eliot, American academic and 21st president of Harvard University in his 1896 book, The Happy...
Conversational Characteristics of Me and He

Conversational Characteristics of Me and He

Larry and I are decidedly conversational, yet our styles differ as much as Venus and Mars: Laconic vs. Loquacious = Larry and Me. He’s not exactly terse, but he is economical in his verbiage. He says what he means, precise as a knife – or a big stick. He...
I’m Not Twelve

I’m Not Twelve

I’m fifty years past my tweens, those years of perpetually-perplexed living. I am an adult. I seldom squabble or complain, behaving hyper-responsibly to problem-solve my own good end. I may have retired from working, but I didn’t retire from thinking....
Let it go

Let it go

“Let it go,” the Christian smother says. Let it go. Be free of angst and regret. And, it strikes me suddenly: what she really intends is to be unfettered, free of listening to my burdens, as I have listened to hers. Our friendship flies away...
Patients’ Service

Patients’ Service

My husband and I have had reason to seek medical attention lately. While the good news is that we are alive and largely healthy (more about that later), the bad news is that our bodies are wearing out. We are using every inch, sense, and limb in our quest to fulfill...