Another Pass at the Pool

Another Pass at the Pool

So, another morning in the gym’s pool, exercising in the water’s buoyancy so there’s less stress on my troubled knees. While it should be a daily endeavor, I’m pleased with once a week. I’m not a fan of sweating so swimming suits. So,...
The Ebb and Flow of (mostly) Retired Life

The Ebb and Flow of (mostly) Retired Life

Our wedding anniversary is coming up. With or without fanfare, depending on one’s point of view. The number is almost more than I can compute. Seriously, people, I’ve been married to one man over half of my entire life. That he’s ‘the best man...
The Jacuzzi Coffee Klatch

The Jacuzzi Coffee Klatch

I exercise daily. Though I shop on Saturdays and rest on Sunday, on weekdays I’m dedicated to a regimen of treadmill, then weights, and water aerobics in my local gym’s pool. It helps to offset the weight gain that seems inevitable for writers and women of...